
Hi, my name is Herbet Ferreira Rodrigues, I'm 40 years old, married and I have a daughter. I was born in João Pessoa, Paraíba - Brazil. I hold a Master's degree in Informatics and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, both from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). Additionally, I hold a specialization in User Experience Design from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Currently, I work at Brazilian Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) as Federal Auditor of Finance and Control.

I have extensive experience in creating systems and web portals, managing teams, and applying agile methodologies. My goal is to develop and improve digital experiences, always prioritizing the user experience.

Professional Experience

Federal Auditor of Finance and Control

2022 - current
Brazilian Office of the Comptroller General - CGU

Solutions Prospecting Division (DISOL/CGSIS/DTI/SE/CGU)

Serving as Division Chief of an agile development team responsible for prospecting and evaluating products and services related to information systems, as well as for planning, coordinating, monitoring and controlling the development, implementation and maintenance of products and services.


Leading the User Experience and Interface Design (UX/UI) team and managing UX/UI projects at CGU. Responsibilities include ensuring the quality of delivered work and identifying opportunities for improvement in the design process.


2022 - 2022
Court of Justice of the State of Paraíba - TJPB

I served as Coordinator of the Portals and Information Group.

Main responsibilities:

  • Analyze, specify, design and implement portals and systems;
  • Support the strategic management board in extracting statistical data from administrative systems and portals;
  • Ensure that the requirements of administrative systems and prospected third-party portals meet the needs of users of the Court of Justice of the State of Paraíba;
  • Approve new systems and portals or evolutions of administrative systems and portals, together with users and the Support and Service Management;
  • Raise, with users, new requirements and changes in existing ones, related to administrative systems and portals, new or in production;
  • Prototyping the interface of administrative systems and portals of the Court of Justice of the State of Paraíba.

Technical Leader

2019 - 2020
Court of Justice of the State of Paraíba - TJPB

Worked with Agile Frameworks (Scrum, Kanban), Agile Metrics (Leadtime/Cycletime, Throughput, CFD, Burndown/Burnup), Trello, Redmine.

System Analyst

2013 - 2022
Court of Justice of the State of Paraíba - TJPB

I worked as a Full Stack Web Developer in the Portals and Usability Group, responsible for:

  • Definition and structuring of portals and systems;
  • Identification of usability requirements and accessibility of portals and systems;
  • Establishment of visual identity standards (and styles) of portals and systems;
  • Prototyping the interface of portals and systems in development;
  • Development of customized graphic elements for use in portals and systems;
  • Development of the web application view layer.

Main Technologies and Tools: PHP, MySQL, HTML/CSS (Bootstrap, less/sass), JavaScript (jQuery), WordPress (themes and plugins development), Drupal (themes and modules development).


2008 - 2009
C.E.S.A.R / Motorola

At C.E.S.A.R/Motorola, I was part of Media & UI Interface team responsible for production of digital media for Motorola's mobile phones.

My responsibilities were develop a web tool, called Motorola Media Catalog, which automated the process of organizing, viewing, searching and filtering the media produced, as well as improving the communication between the customer and the team. The tool was based on the idea of Digital Asset Management, which is a typical computer system that captures, stores and preserves large volumes of digital data.

Involved Technologies: Adobe Flex & Adobe AIR (ActionScript 3.0, Cairngorm framework, AMFPHP) on the front-end and PHP 5 & MySQL on the back-end.

Knowledge Area: Front End and Back End Development, UX/UI Design and Digital Asset Management.

Java Programmer

2007 - 2008
Laboratory of Technologies for Virtual Teaching and Statistics - LabTEVE

LabTEVE, Laboratory of Technologies for Virtual Teaching and Statistics, is a multi and inter diciplinary laboratory at the Departament of Statistics of the Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB). The laboratory was created in 2000 to develop and integrate technologies for virtual and distant teaching.

I worked as a Java Programmer, implementing a web-based tool to support learning of statistics technique, called Calculadora Estatística.

I was responsible for develop a visual programming environment as a new interface for the Calculadora Estatística system. This interface implements a graphical environment where visual components represent operations that can be manipulated to construct the sequence of steps of an statistical analysis. It was integrated with R, a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.

Involved Technologies: Java SE (Swing, Drag and Drop - DnD), The R Project for Statistical Computing.

Knowledge Area: Distance learning, Statistics Teaching, Free Software, Low-cost Systems.

Web Designer of the OpenERP Project

2005 - 2006
Persapiens Tecnologia Ltda.

I was part of the team responsible for develop a free software of enterprise management multiplatform, called OpenERP.

The OpenERP is an enterprise management software written in Java. It uses technologies and patterns, as: JSF, Hibernate, Spring, Acegi, AJAX, Axis and Maven.

My responsibilities were create and develop the design and web interfaces of the system.

Involved Technologies: Java EE (JSP/JSF) and XHTML/CSS.

Academic Experience

Masters Scholarship Holder by CNPq

2009 - 2011
Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB

Research and Development in the areas of Virtual Reality, Haptic Systems, Serious Games and Software Engineering.

My work was a study, a planning and development of a serious game integrated a game engine with a haptic device (called PHANTOM® Omni) for oral health education for children and adults.

Involved Technologies: C/C++, Irrlicht Engine, Newton Game Dynamics, OpenHaptics Toolkit, XML.

Dissertation Title: Applying Haptic Systems in Serious Games: A Game for Adult s Oral Hygiene Education
Advisor: Profa. Liliane dos Santos Machado

Scholarship Holder by CNPq (DTI-3)

2008 - 2009
Federal University of Pernambuco - Cin/UFPE

I was selected to integrate the Software Residence Program, focused on Software Test Analysis promoted by Cin/UFPE (Recife, Brazil) in partnership with C.E.S.A.R and Motorola Industrial Ltda.

In this program, I had the theoretical formation of several disciplines in the Software Engineering area with professors from UFPE and, in parallel, I performed practical activities in the real environment of software development at C.E.S.A.R and Motorola Industrial Ltda.

Project Title: Motorola Media Catalog
Advisor: Prof. Juliano Iyoda

Scholarship Holder by CNPq (PIBIC)

2005 - 2006
Federal University of Paraíba - DI/UFPB

I was part of the team responsible for develop a free software of enterprise management multiplatform, called OpenERP. The OpenERP is an enterprise management software written in Java. It uses technologies and patterns, as: JSF, Hibernate, Spring, Acegi, AJAX, Axis and Maven. My responsibilities were create and develop the design and web interfaces of the system.

Project Title: Visual Modeling and Coding Generation at OpenERP Project.
Advisor: Prof. Gustavo Henrique Matos Bezerra Motta


Applying Haptic Systems in Serious Games: A Game for Adult s Oral Hygiene Education

SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems

Most commonly used in virtual reality systems, haptic devices are taken as an important way of providing greater interaction and engagement between the user and the computer system, particularly in problems that depend on skill and use the sense of touch. It is known that the development of serious games, composed by immersive environments and unconventional devices can contribute with the motivation and learning of the players. However, an important question relates to how to integrate these devices to conform its limitations to a specific problem addressed in serious game. In the present work it is presented a study related to the integration of haptic systems for serious games for adult oral hygiene in order to adjust teaching content to computational resources. Thus, a specific process model to the development of serious games was applied to the creation of TouchBrush serious game, dedicated to education of good tooth brushing practices.

Authors: RODRIGUES, H. F. ; MACHADO, L. S. ; VALENÇA, A. M. G.

Planning Serious Games: Adapting Approaches for Development

Springer Berlin Heidelberg - Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Games have been an important activity in human society with a meaningful impact in education. In this context, serious game joins entertainment and education for presentation, simulation or training of activities in several areas. This paper reports the importance of planning in serious games, particularly to identify the best approach to be adopted for the development. The main focus is the design of serious games for oral health education for children and adults.


Uma Arquitetura para Integração de Sistemas Hápticos e Engines de Jogos

Workshop de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada – WRVA’ 2010

The sense of touch and physical interaction are among the fundamental aspects that human being needs to understand the world and cause changes to it. For games, haptic systems can offer a concept of interaction in a sophisticated way, increasing the level of realism and offering greater immersion in the virtual environment. This paper presents a study, a planning and development of an architecture to integrate a game engine with haptic systems.


Definição e Aplicação de um Modelo de Processo para o Desenvolvimento de Serious Games na Área de Saúde

Workshop de Informática Médica (WIM 2010)

Serious games have been uses to identify games with a specific purpose, that is, the ones that overpass the idea of entertainment and provide other kinds of experiences, such as education and training. Despite that, it is necessary to follow a set of steps in its development so that it entirely hits its pedagogical goal. In this sens, this paper presents a process model for the development of serious games and their application in the health care field related to a game of oral health education for adults, providing an integration between computer science, odontology, statistics and education fields of study, in order to reach a good set of approach, content and technology.


Uma Proposta de Serious Game Aplicado à Educação em Saúde Bucal

Workshop de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada – WRVA’ 2009

This paper presents a proposal of a development of a serious game to be applied to oral health education. We discuss how serious games can help children and adults, the relationship of these games with VirtualReality and some related applications and training simulations in the area of oral health. Finally, we show a prototype application to evaluate devices and methods of interaction that will be used in the game.


Uma Interface Visual para o Ensino de Estatística através da Calculadora Estatística

X International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education (INTERTECH 2008)

The system Calculadora Estatística is a Web-based tool to support learning of statistics technique. Due to its learning approach, special attention was dedicated to the user interface in order to make it intuitive and allow better learning results. This work presents a visual programming environment as a new interface for the Calculadora Estatística system. This interface implements a graphical environment where visual components represent operations that can be manipulated to construct the sequence of steps of an statistical analysis. Thus, the user can visualize all operations demanded and the sequence of execution. The advantages implemented in the new interface are the better intuitivity, memorization augmentation and impulse to new discoveries. As consequence, the interface can offer a new way to experiment and learn statistical operations.

Authors: RODRIGUES, H. F.; DIAS, G. P.; GOMES, R. G. S.; MORAES, R. M. de; MACHADO, L. S.
